On 03.01.2021 16:58, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
My main computer runs  Debian Buster and is displaying some unusual behavior.

The monitor is blanking, without warning, at random times, and restoring the screen  while I working. There is no warning, nor does the computer seem to be overheating (I continuously monitor the temperature).

I rather suspect that it may be a hardware problem. I keep the software up to date.

I am querying this group because I can't think of a more knowledgeable source. Any thoughts and suggestions of things that I might be able to test will be very welcome.

Thanks in advance.

What is model\make of the monitor? For how long was it in service?
Does it have a power led indicator? Does it change color from green (normal mode) to yellow (standby mode) during blanking?
Does it have an internal or external PSU?

From the description it sure does look like the monitor is the culprit and it is hardware problem. I'd suspect dried out electrolytic capacitors on power lines. They need to be inspected and replaced with a new ones. Or it could be flaky ribbon cable connections between internal PCBs and\or LCD. In this case you need to clean contacts of the cables with rubbing alcohol. Let them to dry out completely, before reassembling monitor.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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