On 2021-01-14 16:41 +0100, Jesper Dybdal wrote:

> I backup my Buster server simply as a (compressed, encrypted) cpio archive.
> Restoring it to a BIOS-based machine is simple: boot a rescue cd,
> partition the disk, restore all files, fix fstab if necessary, run
> update-grub and grub-install in a chroot environment.  That works.
> But if the machine should some day die and I can only find/buy a
> UEFI-only machine to restore it to, how do I do that?

Partitioning and restoring should work pretty much the same way, but in
addition you have to replace the bootloader, i.e. install grub-efi-amd64
instead of grub-pc, before you can boot the restored system.

> And are there
> any precautions I should take in advance (on the BIOS system, before
> creating backups that may be needed on a future UEFI system) in order
> to make it easier to restore to a UEFI machine?

I don't think so, the only important thing is that on the restore
machine you need to set up an EFI system partition[1] from which the
system boots.  It has to be formatted as FAT32 and mounted under
/boot/efi when you install grub-efi-amd64.


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