On 2021-01-14 23:21, Linux-Fan wrote:
Finally out of curiosity: You mention using CPIO archives. Do you have any input files above 8 GiB for your backup processes? I always thought that to be the limit of CPIO?

My backups do not contain large files within the cpio archives, so I don't know whether that would be a problem.  But some of the archives are much larger than 8 GiB.

I've just realized that I may never actually have restored such large backups, but I have created contents listings for them, and if cpio can do that, surely it can also restore (but I'll try a real restore just to be sure).

Since cpio as I use it works from and to standard input/output, I would not expect it to notice the archive size in any way.

I back up with
  cd / && find home -xdev -print0 | cpio -o0 -H crc | gzip | openssl enc -md sha256 -salt -pass file:passwordfile -aes-128-cbc >backup.cpio.gz.aes

Thanks to you and everybody else who answered my question.

Jesper Dybdal

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