On 02/07/2021 01:15 PM, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
On Sun, Feb 07, 2021 at 12:39:59PM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
I am experimenting with custom installs of MATE on Debian 10.7 .
My goal is to minimize its footprint on disk, and reduce menu clutter.
I have a default install with / on sda1.
The custom install has / on sda2.
Both installs use /sda3 for /home.

When running gparted from the first, it reports
   sda1 used space is 3.85 GB
   sda2 used space is 2.25 GB

When running gparted from the second, it reports
   sda1 used space is 4.77 GB
   sda2 used space is 1.80 GB

TIA ;}

You may not have kept up with recent installers: the default size of swap
is now smaller since it's almost never used.

Did you install both exactly the same way using the same media?

Andy Cater

I created a swap partition during the install of the first system.

During the install of the second system I told the partitioning phase to NOT use the existing swap partition. I then copied the "swap line" from the /etc/fstab of the first install to the /etc/fstab of the second install.

Thus both installs are using the same physical partition for swap.

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