On Mon 08 Feb 2021 at 10:15:22 (+0100), Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Richard Owlett wrote:
> > > I am experimenting with custom installs of MATE on Debian 10.7 .
> > > [...]
> > > I have a default install with / on sda1.
> > > The custom install has / on sda2.
> > > [...]
> > > When running gparted from the first, it reports
> > >   sda1 used space is 3.85 GB
> > >   sda2 used space is 2.25 GB
> > > When running gparted from the second, it reports
> > >   sda1 used space is 4.77 GB
> > >   sda2 used space is 1.80 GB
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > Based on the limited information available my best guess is that you are
> > looking at different disk drives as the device names can change between
> > boots.
> If this turns out to be not the case:
> - Can it be that MATE stores a large amount of data when it gets shut down
>   and deletes the files after a new startup ?
>   (The respective active /-filesystem's usage seems to be smaller than
>    the inactive /-filesystem.)

Well, the most obvious one is /tmp, assuming that it's "real".
Booting up will normally clean this. (On occasions, I have had
to boot up the other system on my disk to recover files I had
accidentally left there.)

> - What does "du -s" tell about the mounted filesystems in both situations ?

Particularly after having mounted any other filesystems on the disk.


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