On 03/24/2021 10:57 AM, Charles Curley wrote:
On Wed, 24 Mar 2021 10:34:53 -0500
Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> wrote:

I have never administered a LAN and believe in "learning by doing".

You will. :-)

I have two laptops with clean installs of Buster. During installation
server software was installed on *ONE* of them. Communication will be
via WiFi. The MATE panel's network connection icon for each laptop
shows the existence of WiFi sources in the neighborhood.

You did not mention a WiFi access point or similar, nor your proposed
Internet access.

"Universe of Discourse" does not include existence of internet.
When I said LAN, the intended emphAsis was on *local* ;}

How familiar are you wired networking? Ethernet?

They existed in systems I have used but I had no need to know the details.

The TCP/IP protocol suite?

The documentation I'm looking for might mention the existence of "protocols" but would not go into details.

You might start with The Debian Administrator's Handbook.

Sections 8 and 11 are relevant DETAILS but I'm looking for an overview.
IOW it should prompt me to ask myself questions rather than try to answer questions I haven't asked.

There is a lot more Debian doc. https://www.debian.org/doc/

Does not attempt to discuss my topic.

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