On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 10:34:53AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> This is essentially a reading list request.
> I have never administered a LAN and believe in "learning by doing".
> I have two laptops with clean installs of Buster. During installation server
> software was installed on *ONE* of them. Communication will be via WiFi. The
> MATE panel's network connection icon for each laptop shows the existence of
> WiFi sources in the neighborhood.
> Any specific suggestions for reading?
> What internet search terms will lead to productive results?

Back to the 20 questions email:

* You've got two laptops which can connect via wifi to your wifi appliance - 
the T-Mobile hotspot?

* They pick up an IP address via DHCP?

* The IP addresses are on the same subnet?

* If ICMP is not blocked - can you ping from one to the other / can you use
nslookup or similar to see that there is connectivity?

* Do both have connectivity to the Internet - can you use one of them to look
up information from the 'Net while you work on the other, for example?

* Server software - what do you want to DO? 

* What is it that you've installed to allow you to do that?

"I've bought a car: I believe in learning by doing: can anybody give me advice
on how to drive it - [Grand Theft Auto seemed to give advanced driving 
techniques that might be beyond me ... ] " 

would not be an appropriate introduction to beginning to learn to drive, 
for example : help us to help you.

All best,

Andy Cater

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