On 4/21/21 09:01, pe...@easthope.ca wrote:
> Hi,
> Installed Zoom in Debian 10.
> Checked dependancies listed here.
> https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/204206269-Installing-or-updating-Zoom-on-Linux
> A right click on the video camera icon and release on "Join Meeting..." gives
> the window in this screenshot.
> http://easthope.ca/ZoomJoinMeeting2021-04-21.png

I've been using various zoom client versions for over a year, and claim
some possibly useful experience.

First, as Greg Wooledge and tomas noted, You can run it using a browser,
with some possible functional limitations.

Second, contrary to some opinions, I have no major qualms about
installing the client software, although initially I examined what
installing and operating it in a confined test environment did and,
after what I considered a reasonable amount of testing and updating,
concluded that it is a well-behaved piece of software on Debian Buster
and Bullseye. It has given me no problems.

If you elect to install the client:

0. Previous history (referenced by Curt) suggests you may have a 32 bit
only machine; Michael Stone probably is on the mark in suggesting this
will not work well, if at all. Processor and memory requirements given at


recommend 4GB memory and an i3/i5/i7 or equivalent AMD CPU. These are 64
bit CPUs.

The link above hints that you may have a broken install. You might want
to remove (most of) it by deleting the /opt/zoom directory. The
installation also includes


They can, I think, be ignored, and removal probably is unnecessary.

1. Download the Debian version (presuming you are using Debian) to /tmp
or another directory of your choice. Choose the applicable Debian
version, either 7.7 or the default 8.0+.

2. Install with apt, specifying the full path to the .deb file

     sudo apt /tmp/zoom_16775.0418_amd64.deb

This should cause installation of any necessary dependencies. Cindy
Causey's report suggests using dpkg is likely bring problems on occasion.

Tom Dial

> Ideas welcome.
> Thx,                                  ... P.

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