El mar, 27 abr 2021 a las 7:33, davidson (<david...@freevolt.org>) escribió:
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2021 Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I saw at the Debian Lists' archive that my attached files were not
> > shown as attached (as in the BTS archive), but instead as inserted
> > into the body of the message.
> I have not examined your how-to in detail, but from brief examination
> I am impressed by its organised format. It is clear to me that you put
> substantial effort into that aspect, and that anyone who uses it will
> be grateful for that.
> I imagine it is disappointing to see some of that meticulous structure
> stripped away unexpectedly, no matter how minor the difference.


Yes, it is indeed a little disappointing to see my tutorial screwed up.

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