El mar, 27 abr 2021 a las 10:35, David Wright
(<deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk>) escribió:
> On Mon 26 Apr 2021 at 22:16:34 (-0400), Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z wrote:
> >
> > I saw at the Debian Lists' archive
> > that my attached files were not
> > shown as attached (as in the
> > BTS archive), but instead as inserted
> > into the body of the message.
> >
> > Is there some other way to attach
> > the files correctly?
> > Would it work and could I send the
> > attachments with HTML?
> You might attach the shell script as application/x-sh rather
> than text/x-sh¹. That should encode it, and display it as an
> attachment on the web, as with:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2021/03/msg01494.html
> making it easier to download. And mutt, for example, would
> display it via the attachment menu, ready for downloading.
> AIUI, the policy is to immediately display text/… attachments,
> though mutt demarcates them better than firefox does. I suppose
> one could always wrap the text file into a trivial shell script.
> However, before doing this as a general policy, it's worth
> checking that websites you expect to be archiving/forwarding
> your posts are not stripping attachments. (Some do.)
> ¹ I have no idea how different MUAs, and posting sites like
>   gmail, would force this. Mutt does it as a matter of course,
>   and that can be checked before sending, by first postponing
>   the message, and then searching the contents of the Postponed
>   mailbox for "Content-Type: application/x-sh".
> Cheers,
> David.

Thank you a lot, sir!

Could you repost my attachments as replies to my tutorial
that way, please?  For now, I have no way of changing
the content type for attachments.  If you do so, please
include also a short note in the body of your message
like "Here are the attachments referred to in the tutorial."

Thanks in advance.

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