On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 09:04:35AM +0200, deloptes wrote:
> Kushal Kumaran wrote:
> > I think IMAP should work regardless.  My workplace uses federated
> > authentication, and davmail works fine for me.
> I think it depends how it is setup and what policy applies. Especially this
> 3D authentication is not likely to be implemented in the opensource
> software and non of it works for me.

Yes. Half-a-life ago, while in dystopian Bigcorp environment, I had
to bribe Windows admins to keep up Outlook's IMAP with... NTLM auth.
Fetchmail worked fine [1] with that.

But the '365 winds got stronger and stronger, accompanied by a pretty
mail-hostile campaign by Microsoft vendors. Luckily I quit at about
that time.

Perhaps Someone (TM) will have to do the heroic effort the folks
at Youtube-dl do, to jump through endless nightmarish webby hoops
to get at the real content (one weak consolation may be that it's
probably JSON these days and not HTML, so it looks a bit more
like data ;-)


[1] Something I still feel tears of gratitude towards fetchmail
   folks. As for all those free software folks doing crazy things.

 - t

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