On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 01:11:08PM +0100, Eric S Fraga wrote:
> Dystopian is right.  Our organization, using O365, has moved to
> "multi-factor authentication" without consultation and I can no longer
> use gnus, for instance.  Absolutely horrible.

That means you've to carry a funny dongle with you all the time?
Or is the "second factor" that oh-so-secure "smart" phone?

(FWIW, I could offer some resistance by making a point of carrying
around a "classical" dumb phone, usually the cheapest I could get
hold of -- f.ex. my current one doesn't even have a camera; whenever
someone came up with some clever schema involving a pocket computer,
I usually put mine on the table... the "oh"s and the sad faces
following that moment were worth the whole thing, and usually killed
further discussions ;-)

BTW I'm not really a luddite [1]. I'd consider a smart phone if I
had a comparable control over its guts as I have of my laptop, take
or give. Those options are, alas, a tad to pricey for my current


Just a tiny bit ;-)

 - t

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