On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 09:25:26 +0200
<to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:


> Thetis seems to be paying for Google, in one currency or another. For
> one, fonts and jquery get downloaded directly from googleapis.com, so
> Big G gets a tug each time someone hits their page. Then, they embed
> Google analytics scripts in their page (one reason, BTW, why I insist
> in disabling javascript in my browser).

I certainly agree with that goal, but I currently disable analytics via
uBlock Origin, pi-hole, etc.) Disabling JS breaks a lot of (useful)
stuff as collateral damage (but you can always enable it on a
site-by-site basis, which I have to do with uBlock Origin anyway, since
it also breaks (in medium mode) a fair amount of the web).


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