On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 10:03:04AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Apr 2021 09:25:26 +0200
> <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:

> > [...no javaxcript]
> I certainly agree with that goal, but I currently disable analytics via
> uBlock Origin, pi-hole, etc.) Disabling JS breaks a lot of (useful)
> stuff as collateral damage [...]

Yes, I do it as a kind of self-experiment. The way I go about it
is: my default browser profile has no javascript enabled (and no
cookies, BTW). For some (roughly 10) pages, I have a separate
profile. Two or three I care enough about, the rest is work-related.

When I'm curious about a page, sometimes I see "oh, it's a black
(or white) hole" -- the psychological interesting part is: is my
urge strong enough to set up a profile for that?

Most of the time, the answer is, luckily "No" :-)

Sometimes I get some quaint whining from the page "Ooooh, your
poor little browser does not support blah blah" with instructions
on how to enable javascript (which is even quainter, since these
days you have to be *very* determinate to disable javascript in
any browser, nearly criminally determinate ;-P

In the grand scheme of things. I'm trying to push out a bit
that date where web "designers" can count on everyone having
javascript. Tilting at windmills, but with pride :-)

 - t

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