On Tue, May 04, 2021 at 10:14:45PM +0100, Joe wrote: > ...and buster. It's exim4.service as stated by: > systemctl --type=service | grep exim
According to packages.debian.org[1] there is no such file in any package. Of course, that's not proof of the nonexistence of such a file, because it might have been created by some postinst script. In theory. Could you kindly tell us what "systemctl status exim4.service" says on this buster machine of yours? Perhaps your command is turning up one of the automatically converted init.d scripts. If so, this will be made clear in the systemctl status report. It would also be helpful to know which of the multiple different exim4 package sets you're working with. Perhaps this alleged exim4.service comes from the -heavy daemon package. All I can tell you is that on the buster system that I checked, which is using the exim4-daemon-light package, there is *no* exim4.service, but there *is* an init.d script, and systemctl status exim4 shows this plainly. [1] https://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=contents&keywords=exim4.service&mode=exactfilename&suite=stable&arch=any