On Tuesday, May 18, 2021 05:53:19 PM Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Clearly sent privately by mistake.


> > I send this in private, because of my private opinion here. I would
> > prefer we discuss this in private and perhaps you can convince me that
> > it is worth the effort. I do not know this tool and as I said before I
> > wonder what happened to festival.
> Sorry to have disappointed your wish for privacy.  speaking personally,
> at least for me, one needs to ask before writing privately, when I am
> posting  on a  public list.
> If  I am not asked to be contacted privately, I reply publicly as I did
> here.
> besides, others more versed in this  situation may know about festival.


> Again, if your intent was private asking permission of me first  might
> have been wise, or at least saying   such was your  desire above  the text
> of mine you referenced.

Disregarding someone's request for privacy is rather disrespectful.

When that happens for me, I reply with something that says, ~"keep it on the 
list, please"

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