On 2021-06-27 at 03:48, Francesco Florian wrote:

> On Sa, 26 Jun 2021, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
>> [1] unless you're one of those still running dist-upgrade for every
>>  security update, just because `apt-get` doesn't install new
>> packages by default.
> Actually, I'm one of those running on testing, since I believe it's
> stable enough for my workflow on a desktop (I snapshot the / and
> /home volumes before any upgrade, but in about 5 years I never had to
> rollback).
> I didn't mean that tracking stable instead of buster is what
> everybody wants, just that it is a possibility, especially on
> desktop, provided you have backups (which you should have anyway).

For tracking testing, as I also do, using the symbolic name rather than
the explicit codename can make sense.

I actually track stable + testing, by those names, so that if a package
in stable is removed from testing I still have access to install it if I
discover the need to do so. For that purpose, using the symbolic name
for stable also makes sense.

However, for someone tracking *purely* stable without bringing in any of
the other repositories, I have to agree with those who advocate against
using that name instead of the release codename. I haven't been able to
think of any reasons why using the symbolic name in that case would make
sense, and I find the arguments about why doing so can lead to problems
to be persuasive.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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