On Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 07:26:44PM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> See bug #879786, and the various bugs that have been merged into it
> (listed near the very bottom, IIRC).

Man, some people have the most *bizarre* setups.  And then when someone
points it out, they act all confused. :-/

Most of the separate instances in that bug report have something wrong
with them, like trying to use testing/updates for security after the
URL changed, or using Ubuntu repositories, so it's a bit hard to see
what's actually happening.

> The warnings I'd be OK with; I might even be OK with the errors, except
> for the fact that they point not to anything with useful information but
> to a place which doesn't actually tell you anything helpful.

Yeah, the DD who replied with "If you run it interactive, you get asked
directly" clearly had no idea....

In any case, it sounds like your machines have some unique setup that's
triggering the symptoms in cases where other people won't experience
them.  For now, I'm going to assume that the problem is unique to you,
unless/until someone else reports it.

Also, the fact that people apparently can't manage to find the NewInBuster
page that describes the symptom and its workaround (not even with Google?)
is sad.

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