On 16-08-2021 11:56, Jeremy Ardley wrote:
> On 16/8/21 9:45 am, Weaver wrote:
>> By reputation, the list is unmoderated, and that's the way it used to
>> be.
>> It still bears the token title of an unmoderated list but, in reality, a
>> small collective of the politically correct have placed it under their
>> auspices to moderate it. They have all the rationale, they believe, to
>> do so, but this is quite in contradiction with the principles of open
>> source, so it's an interesting phenomenon to observe.
>> Cheers!
>> Harry.
> Wait till you try and do any editing on Wikipedia, especially on
> controversial topics.
> Then you'll find all about self appointed politically correct assholes
> who by virtue of being there first have established an ecosystem where
> anyone not toeing the line is neutered.
> I don't think this is accidental, and you can see clear signs of
> continuous influence by major players using Wikipedia 'editors' to
> further various agendas.

Yes, I do a lot of research, so need to cite frequently.
I might reference Wikipedia, but never in isolation, and generally
extract a quote, because that could change tomorrow.
Any idiot can edit a page there.


`Unthinking respect for authority is 
the greatest enemy of truth'.
-- Albert Einstein

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