On Thu 26 Aug 2021 at 03:37:54 (+0200), detr...@tuta.io wrote:

> Around May I installed Debian 10 on my (external) hard drive in BIOS (not 
> UEFI) mode for backup purposes. In the end of June I took the drive out of 
> the drawer and tried to boot into it but to my surprise my LUKS encryption 
> password does not work anymore.

I presume that you have unlocked it successfully in the past.

> I'm very sure I am typing it right because I had written it into a piece of 
> paper. I have tried to unlock and mount it inside my OS (Manjaro) instead of 
> booting it directly but it also didn't work, and I have also tried to boot in 
> Recovery Mode but to no avail. Every time I type in my password it says it's 
> wrong ("Bad password or options" or someting like that). 
> Please help. I have many important documents and pictures inside that drive.
> Sorry for my badEnglish.

Is there anything on your system(s) that has changed, and could have
affected how the keyboard language and layout is defined?
This is particularly important if your passphrase contains accented
letters, or punctuation that different keyboards place in different
places (like @ # ~ quotation marks etc).

When you try to boot it from a running system, do the logs show any
errors with reading the disk?


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