On 8/28/21 04:28, piorunz wrote:
On 27/08/2021 19:20, Jeffrey Chimene wrote:
Something happened to my amd firmware for a ryzen3 3200g. A few weeks
ago, this machine made an uneventful transition to bookworm.


originally installed bullseye and the non-free firmware package to get
the firmware for this setup. Everything was fine until yesterday

Not bookworm upgrade fault then. You had upgraded the system and it was
working fine.

Everything was fine until yesterday, after
some bookworm updates and a reboot. No more video driver for X.

SOME bookworm updates? Please be more specific. That's the cause of your
problem. Please attach relevant logs from this "bookworm updates" event
so we can see what happened.


Thanks for the advice. The problem I'm trying to solve is why the AMD firmware isn't getting incorporated in the kernel. I have to boot with NOMODESET. The bookworm updates, while coincidental, are probably not the cause. "Something else" happened, and I need help debugging. I can't see amdgpu in lsmod. I can see the firmware in /var/lib/firmware.

I've run update-initramfs -c after replacing /var/lib/firmware. Still not getting positive results from lsmod | grep -i amdgpu

Booting with

ro loglevel=7 nomodeset

isn't giving any useable clues in boot.log

It feels like it's a kernel setting that got written and isn't reset after down/up grades. This is testing. It's supposed to be "broken". When bullseye was broken after the downgrade, I knew something broke in my local configuration. I'm trying to fix it. I'd like help debugging. It's probably only reproducible if one follows a set of steps that aren't easily retraced.

It's been too many years since I used Debian from the console. I do not remember enough X to debug building the init image towards that goal.

I'm also chuffed that Ubuntu manages to pull off video in the live CD.

At this point, I think I'll reinstall from bookworm netinst in a few weeks or after the transition to 12 finishes. Running the box headless will be good enough for now.


With kindest regards, piorunz.

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