Hi piorunz,

Thanks for your interest! I really appreciate your time. Background: I've been using Debian since Potato. This distro Just Works.

On 8/28/21 06:04, piorunz wrote:
On 28/08/2021 13:54, Jeffrey Chimene wrote:

Let me ask more questions, so we all can learn more about your situation
and start suggesting remedies.


Thanks for the advice. The problem I'm trying to solve is why the AMD
firmware isn't getting incorporated in the kernel.

How you assumed that firmware isn't getting to kernel? Do you have any
errors in the log stating that?

There are no errors. Only warnings about an unsupported Wifi chip (r8169 missing RTL8125b-2).

As an aside: I have not mentioned this before, and I think it is a red herring: The problems started when I connected the wifi antenna to the board. The firmware for this chip isn't supported in this kernel, yet. I think I can download the drivers from Intel. I'm not really interested in wifi for this machine, as a wired connection works for now. This is too coincidental and unrealistic, but I want to get past it so we can move to other things. As soon as the antenna connections (dual coax) to the board were made, the screen went black. I know. Bullshit. The board doesn't really need an external antenna to detect wifi, so the antenna connection only boosted the signal. If the OS wanted to load a non-existent driver (which it's already trying to do as that failing attempt appears in boot.log), it would've tried before then, external antenna or no. Then somehow botch already loaded amdgpu firmeare? I don't think so. It's as coincidental as the bookworm updates earlier that day. When I rebooted to clear the issue (Linux isn't windows! One doesn't reboot to fix issues), no display...

Anyway, on to your other questions...

I have to boot with

What happens if you don't? Please show error logs when you don't have

There are no logs. nomodeset doesn't log anything. It enables display twitching during boot. When XDM gains control, it will try to set the display mode.

The bookworm updates, while coincidental, are probably not
the cause. "Something else" happened, and I need help debugging. I can't
see amdgpu in lsmod. I can see the firmware in /var/lib/firmware.

Try this:

inxi -G
Graphics:  Device-1: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Navi 21 [Radeon RX
6800/6800 XT / 6900 XT] driver: amdgpu v: kernel
           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.11 driver: loaded:
amdgpu,ati unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,radeon,vesa resolution:
           1: 1920x1200~60Hz 2: 3840x2160
           OpenGL: renderer: AMD SIENNA_CICHLID (DRM 3.40.0
5.10.0-8-amd64 LLVM 12.0.1) v: 4.6 Mesa 21.1.4

I don't have inxi installed. I will install it and post the results.

I've run update-initramfs -c after replacing /var/lib/firmware. Still
not getting positive results from lsmod | grep -i amdgpu

$ lsmod | grep -i amdgpu
amdgpu               6606848  90
gpu_sched              40960  1 amdgpu
i2c_algo_bit           16384  1 amdgpu
ttm                   114688  1 amdgpu
drm_kms_helper        274432  1 amdgpu
drm                   618496  39 gpu_sched,drm_kms_helper,amdgpu,ttm

For me it works.

For me, nada. One of my earliest tests. I swear, I did see positive results earlier!

Booting with

ro loglevel=7 nomodeset

isn't giving any useable clues in boot.log

What is your GPU (integrated or not) model? Please say exact model from
inxi for example.
I'm sure it's integrated. It's a Asus board model B550M-A By now, it has "reasonable" kernel support. About 18 months ago, it did not have such support. As I said earlier, I think wifi isn't well supported, but I don't care right now.

It feels like it's a kernel setting that got written and isn't reset
after down/up grades. This is testing. It's supposed to be "broken".

I don't know what you are trying to say here. What supposed to be broken
and why you think so?

It's based on intuition. If I had the resources to follow up that hunch, I would. I don't know where to start with such suppositions; which are based on instructions like "cat BLAH > /FOO/BLECH" to change OS behavior.


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