On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 09:07:49AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> Bound or unbound, I couldn't make ESC 1 Ctrl-L do anything useful
> while output is in progress (like a clean display of the typeahead
> so far typed). I couldn't see a way to force echoing the line at
> that time.


> Six decades or so ago, when teletypes ran at lamentable speeds,
> typeahead was fairly essential for power users. I remember that
> the Phoenix/MVS system at Cambridge had a facility where typing
> a space would suspend printing output at the end of a line
> (like a perfectly timed XOFF), whereupon you could type a command
> line undisturbed for up to 60 secs, until you either sent it or
> aborted it (which would resume printing output).

So... you're talking about something *completely* different from the
OP's requirement.

The OP, as far as I've been able to determine, has a *background* job
that's writing characters to the terminal while they're typing into
an interactive shell's prompt.  The shell is not running a foreground
command.  There is no "type ahead" involved.

You're talking about running a *foreground* command, and then trying to
type another command while this one is still running.  It's a totally
different scenario.

The Ctrl-L stuff (in all its variations) is intended only for the OP's
scenario.  They're typing at a shell prompt, and a bit of "noise"
is thrown onto the screen, disrupting them.  It's a one-time event, and
they'd just like to wipe away the noise so they can see what they're
typing (and specifically so that backspace is handled "correctly").

It won't help in your scenario, at all.

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