On Tuesday 14 September 2021 13:11:08 Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 11:49:02AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Tuesday 14 September 2021 10:08:34 Brian wrote:
> > > On Tue 14 Sep 2021 at 09:27:25 +0000, Sriram wrote:
> > > > [...] Can you suggest some links for downloading the bullseye
> > > > along with xfce which comes to less than 1 GB or preferably
> > > > somewhere around 500-800 MB, or suggest ways to install the xfce
> > > > offline  , there is no deb file for such GUI's.
> > >
> > > An xfce installation will pull in about 600 M of packages no
> > > matter what you choose to do. Does this give some perspective?
> > >
> > > What I would consider is:
> > >
> > > 1. Skip installation of a desktop in d-i and finish the remainder
> > > of the process.
> > >
> > > 2. Reboot, log in and create /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01keep-debs.
> > >
> > > 3. Edit this file to have
> > >
> > >      Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages "true";
> > >
> > >    Packages should remain in /var/cache/apt/archives/ for you to
> > > reuse. No futher downloading of xfce packages is now needed. You
> > > have your own personal "ISO" at no extra cost to disk space or
> > > bandwidth.
> > >
> > > 4. And finally do
> > >
> > >      apt install task-xfce-desktop
> >
> > This is interesting and I will likely do it when I install the
> > debian-11.1-net-install I just burnt.
> >
> > But, I have installed 4, 1 terabyte samsung SSD's on a separate
> > non-raid controller card which I intend to use as a software raid-6
> > or 10 after moving the current boot disk with stretch on it to be
> > /dev/sdd, or even leaving it disconnected until 11.1 is installed.
> > It has precious data on its platters.
> >
> > Those samsungs have not been configured for anything yet. They are
> > seen ok but individually in dmesg. Looked at by gparted, but nothing
> > written.
> >
> > So, can the installer handle the configuration of those into a
> > bootable format all by itself?
> >
> > If not, what do I install and do to ready them before moving
> > /dea/sda out of harms way and booting the 11.1 net-install iso? I
> > can if needed, install a 60 or bigger Gig SSD as the /boot partition
> > on the motherboard controller as /dev/sda if the software raid can't
> > be booted from.
> As ever, it depends. Are you booting using UEFI?
> If so, then you'll need to allow the partitioner to configure an ESP
> EFI system partition] which will allow the machine to store files for
> booting. The rest can be set up using guided partitioning and mdadm.
> If you're using Legacy/DOS booting - all bets are off.
> I'd be tempted to completely disconnect your stretch drive to do this
> and then reconnect it just to copy dot files and ssh configs.
> Essentially, stretch is gone and the likelihood of being able to use
> configs directly is low - so keep it safe out of the way until you
> want to copy precious data off it, at which point mount it under /mnt
> or /media temporarily.
> If you have a spare 60G SSD, then you might want to use that as boot
> and root filesystem anyway and let the partitioner create the RAID
> system from four absolutely identically sized disks.
> One thing to watch out for in guided partitioning is that swap space
> in a dedicated partition is now only 1GB by default. If you've got a
> decent amount of memory, you may never hit swap anyway.
I have 32G of dram, and 14G of swap now, but with a 17 day uptime, its 
under 2 megs in swap. I have huge buffers set in OpenSCAD.

> I won't 
> trespass on your patience further but will be happy to help if needed.

Good to know Andy IF I can get networking to survive the reboot. But my 
networking is host file based and usually goes away at reboot until 
properly configured again. So I kep a printed copy of all that stuff. 

There is not a functioning dhcp server here. Usually, proper routing is 
impossible until avahi and friends are lined up and have bloodied the 
wall behind them. Otherwise avahi insists on an non-functional 
169.xx,xx,xx address for route and gateway.

> All best, as ever,
> Andy Cater

Thanks Andy.

> > So how do I best proceed?
> >
> > Thank you.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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