On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 10:48:02AM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Jo, 16 sep 21, 05:06:02, Sriram wrote:
> >  Hi Team
> > i have tried to install the minimal iso file yesterday , but Network 
> > Manager is not installing, also build-essentials not there for building the 
> > xfce tar files
> > i tried to install the Network manager deb file but it required so many 
> > dependencies, i managed to install except one deb filecalled glib , not 
> > sure which package it contains
> > can some one help as to what are the required dependent deb files for 
> > Network Manager as well as build-essentials 
> How exactly are you trying to install them?
> With a properly configured Debian connected to the internet all you need 
> is (as root):
>     apt update
>     apt install network-manager-gnome build-essentials
> If you get any errors for this please copy-paste the full output as well 
> as the output of `apt policy`.
> Kind regards,
> Andrei
> -- 
> http://wiki.debian.org/FAQsFromDebianUser

If you're stuck and have no GUI - you could try typing nmtui to get the 
text mode network manager configuration.  [I routinely use this on machines
that are running with no desktop enviornment and only command line access].

If you can't connect to the internet to download packages, that's another
problem which is when you discover you REALLY NEED the tool.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater
Andy Cater.

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