On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 04:33:55PM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
> On 9/13/2021 11:02 AM, Brian wrote
> > On Mon 13 Sep 2021 at 10:18:54 -0400, Tanstaafl wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> So, I'm considering Debian for a new homebrew MX gateway I want to set
> >> up, but it depends...
> >>
> >> I'm a former Gentoo user, and really appreciated the rolling release
> >> aspect, since it meant no huge jumps between LTS releases with other
> >> distros.
> > About the closest in Debian to this concept is the unstable
> > distribution (sid).
> Hmmm... ok, so, I could run sid 'forever', as long as I keep it updated
> regularly?
> Anyone do this for important (maybe not 'mission critical') servers?

If you have the oomph and the bandwith, go for it!

Let's say you have, say, 1K servers and can afford a sizeable team
validating and testing changes on a small test farm before opening
the flood gates to the rest of your installed base... go for it!

Alternatively: if the stakes are low enough, i.e. when things break
it's "sigh" and a short hour of tinkering to get your work computer
again into a working condition... go for it!

Don't forget to contribute back. The rest of the Debian community
will thank you. That is, after all, what makes Debian thrive. The
more people shaking Sid the better Testing and Stable we get.

Don't go for it if you are in one of those (unfortunately frequent)
situations where you barely know what you are doing and will have
1K customers yelling at you whenever things go south. While you are
trying to sort out the mess. Stick with stable, then.

IOW: you can do whatever you want, provided you know what you are
doing ;-)

 - t

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