On Mi, 15 sep 21, 09:54:29, John Hasler wrote:
> The Wanderer writes:
> > In theory you could, but in practice it would break well before that.
> I run Sid on my desktop.  It's been years since I've had any breakage.
> I suspect that it's because I run FVWM, avoid anything connected with
> freedesktop.org or Gnome, and am careful about when to upgrade.

While my desktop of choice is currently LXDE, things "connected with 
freedesktop.org or Gnome" are installed, usually (but not always) 
because there is no LXDE equivalent of that particular piece (e.g. 

Having one or another DE installed in parallel was not uncommon for me, 
even if just to show it of to others.

These certainly add complexity, but as far as I'm concerned never did 
create any major issues with mostly daily updating of sid.

In my opinion the one thing that makes running sid a rather painless 
experience[1] is adopting major changes as they roll in. Sure, those 
changes bring their own problems with them, but over all it saves a lot 
of energy to swim with the stream rather than against it.

[1] besides *good* familiarity with APT and aptitude.

Kind regards,

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