* On 2021 16 Sep 02:35 -0500, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> For neomutt in buster I have this in .neomuttrc:
> # neomutt disabled viewing text/* as text (except text/plain)
> # re-enable common file types received (requires corresponding .mailcap entry)
> auto_view text/x-diff
> auto_view text/x-patch
> auto_view text/x-gettext
> Corresponding .mailcap entries:
> text/x-diff;    nvim %s
> text/x-patch;   nvim %s
> text/x-gettext; nvim %s
> text/x-diff;    cat %s; copiousoutput
> text/x-patch;   cat %s; copiousoutput
> text/x-gettext; cat %s; copiousoutput
> As far as I recall the 'auto_view' and the 'copiousoutput' lines are for 
> automatic display in (neo)mutt's pager, the other ones for attachment 
> menu.

Thanks, Andrei.  I can add those for future attachments that are
assigned a proper MIME type.  In this case, the attachment was assigned
the application/octet-stream MIME type by the SourceForge.net Web mailer
(at least that is what I gleaned from the headers).

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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