On Sat, 2 Oct 2021 11:57:51 -0400
"Roy J. Tellason, Sr." <r...@rtellason.com> wrote:

> In recent messaging here I touched on how I'd determined that my
> workstation was way behind being current.  Apparently I needed to go
> 8->9->10->11.  I tried the first of those steps,  and things did not
> go well in a number of ways...

First, back up all your data before starting the dist-upgrade series.
Also, read and follow the Release Notes of dist-upgrade for each
version. Reboot after each version upgrade, then do an apt-get
update/upgrade, etc.

> For some reason,  the software decided to remove virtualbox.  Which
> is a real problem,  because it's inside a virtual machine that I do
> all of my mail,  so I couldn't get at my mail for a while.  In
> Synaptic Package Manager if I try to install it I get the following
> error message:
> "Package virtualbox has no available version, but exists in the
> database.  This typically means that the package was mentioned in a
> dependency and never uploaded,  has been obsoleted or is not
> available with the contents of sources.list"
> I got temporarily past this by installing 8 on this laptop I'm
> currently typimg on.  Some things are decidedly less convenient.

Complete the dist-upgrade for all versions, then reinstall VirtualBox.
Be sure you saved all your VMs before the dist-upgrade(s).  They
may be deleted. 

I don't use the VB version in the Debian repos, but download
and install the .deb directly from their web site.  During the
install the VB repo will be set up.

> Firefox is majorly different,  apparently having gone from 68.9.0 -->
> 78.14.0esr.  It no longer uses the font that I'm telling it to,  and
> for some odd reason won't play any youtube videos any more.  Instead
> I see a message on the screen that says "if video doesn't start
> momentarily restart your device".  Huh?
> Konqueror is also broken,  I get "Could not start proess Unable to
> create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'"...
> Trying to open a file with Okular gets me a similar message.

Complete the entire dist-upgrade before trying to fix problems.  The
problems may fix themselves.

> I don't see any way to back out of these changes,  or any obvious
> place to look for where the problems are.  Suggestions welcomed.

I avoid dist-upgrading, if I can because of such problems, and do a
clean install of the newest version on a free partition keeping the old
install as fallback in case something goes awry.


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