On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 02:57:13PM -0500, R. Ramesh wrote:
> Understood. Please also understand that we are users and not experts. I
> understand unix/linux and general SW principles. I will use debian as I
> trust this more than any other distribution. That does not mean I can learn
> everything about it. I will have no choice but to go with help from
> communities. I understand the cost.
> > 

== Fixing the breakage ==

> > I would recommend finding all the packages on your system with a
> > dmo source, removing them, removing the dmo apt repository,
> > fixing your system, and then... carefully consider whether you
> > want to re-add the dmo apt repository at all.

This. Remove all of these: remove VLC. Clear the packages. dpkg --purge 
them if that's what it takes. You will need to clear the packages in order
to instqall/upgrade cleanly.

Then add the deb-multimedia lines to /etc/apt/sources.list as at

Temporarily comment out the debian lines in that file - so _only_ the
deb-multimedia lines are active [Add a # sign at the front of the line].

Do apt-update and so on as it says on the deb-multimedia site. Install
the packages you want.

Then comment out deb-multimedia and uncomment the debian lines.

That means that the packages you want from deb-multimedia will all have 
been installed together without any conflicting packages from Debian main.

Repeat the process when you update repositories.

== deb-multimedia.org ==

>From https://deb-multimedia.org

Subscribe to the mailing list to find out when packages are updated:

To subscribe send an e-mail to dmo-changes-requ...@debmultimedia.org with 
subscribe in the subject.
Or click on this link : dmo-changes-requ...@deb-multimedia.org?subject=subscribe

Pretty much anything else you need is found at

https://deb-multimedia.org/faq#q1 and following.

> This is not acceptable to me. I will live broken system than a useless
> system. I need what I have and I cannot simply delete them for the sake
> making something pristine. Please understand we are users. No point in
> having a system that does nothing. Apart from mythtv, I use browser. So, if
> I take out dmo then I might as well install Win10.
> > 

== Troubleshooting and further support ==

With luck: The steps given above will un-break your system sufficiently for you
to install the deb-multimedia packages you want. 

At that point you are on your own because we can't really do more than best 
endeavours support for a mixed system and troubleshooting and problem solving 
are likely beyond us.

We can't help you much further here on debian-user: effectively, you're 
then absolutely reliant on a third party repository for your mythtv. 
Problems/updates and so on are theirs to sort out.

Any problems: Contact Christian Marillat

Any breakage: Contact Christian Marillat.

== Build it yourself ==

The other option is for you to build and maintain mythtv on your own system.
This is well documented by the MythTV devs and would give you a
self-contained system with a consistent build.

 and so on.

The instructions at https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Installing_MythTV_on_Debian
are fairly clear though you'll want fixes/31 rather than fixes/30.

> > Don't think I hate deb-multimedia. I have that repo enabled...
> > on one system. Not on a system that I depend on functioning all
> > the time.
> > 
> > -dsr-
> Thanks for your comments. I understand where you come from. I have no hard
> feelings when someone tells me I am dumb. That is why I used debian-user. If
> I do not get any help, I will find a way as I have done that many times.  In
> fact, I was going to wipe my system and reinstall from scratch and add dmo
> as that is easier.

No one's telling you that you're dumb. You ended up with a broken system.
Some of the steps above may help you fix it. Almost certainly, you don't 
actually need to reinstall from scratch - the Debian packaging system
is fairly robust - but it might possibly be quicker, if you can't be
bothered to find the dmo packages.

> I was a linux user in 1991 and remained one. I am not going to be afraid to
> find issues and resolve them. I just want to try to get expert opinion first
> because I think that is the best approach.

The best expert opinion is fairly well summed up on the Debian wiki at
https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian . The advice given above is fairly
blunt and matter of fact because the users and developers on this list have 
seen this sort of thing lots of times before.

> Regards
> Ramesh

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

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