On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 02:23:17PM +1100, Charlie wrote:

>       Hello Henning.
>       I have no idea what an e/n/i is. Am one of those unfortunates
>       that fixes a motor, removes the worn part, takes it to a spare
>       parts seller and shows them, because I have no idea what they
>       are called. Brings home the new one and fixes the motor.
> I left school at 14 years of age. Am old now and memory is not all that
> good. Googled e/n/i can't discover what it means.

It mainly means that I am a lazy bastard, and for somebody who complains
all the time when people are not more explanatory in their posts,
a hypocrite too.

/e/n/i = /etc/network/interfaces

> I have tried network manager about 15 years or more, ago. Didn't like
> it and never touched it again. Then for a short, full of problems time,
> the other one as well. Don't recall its name. Dropped that as well.

Yes, understandable, Network-Manager had and has its problems.
But it has come a long way. It is worth looking at.

> Anyway, I haven't had the wpa-supplicant problem again, so maybe it was
> just a momentary glitch. I am always bemused by errors on my computer,
> because I think that something which is all about mathematics should
> just work. 2 and 2 can only make 4, not 5, not 6 or anything else? I
> obviously don't understand the coding in the programs where the human
> error must enter the works.
> So thanks for your help, but I can't complete what you ask.
> Just have to get on.

Sure, if it works, there is no reason to invest more time
into this (at most annoyance).

> Charlie
> --


Henning Follmann           | hfollm...@itcfollmann.com

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