On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 09:07:02PM +0000, Semih Ozlem wrote:
> Yes the error message is
> ssh: connect to host (ip address of remote host) port 22: Connection refused

This message means one of these things:

1) The sshd process is not running, or is not listening on the default port.

2) A firewall is preventing your connection.

You would normally check the first thing by using "ss" or "netstat" on
the server, and verifying that the process is indeed LISTEN-ing on the
expected interface(s) and port.  For example:

unicorn:~$ ss -ant | grep :22
LISTEN    0      128               *

This tells me that something is listning on port 22 on all IPv4 interfaces.

If you don't see a line like this, then you need to investigate the ssh
service more deeply.  Perhaps start by running "journalctl -u ssh" to
read its logs.

If you *do* see a line like this, then you need to look at network-level
stuff, like firewalls, routers, and so on.

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