On Fri 22 Oct 2021 at 08:25:36 (-0600), Charles Curley wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Jun 2021 21:51:28 +0200
> <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:
> > Try adding
> > the option `--whitelist-environment=DISPLAY to your su command (hint:
> > you can add more variables to that whitelist, comma separated).
> I just tried this. No joy.
> charles@jhegaala:~$ echo $DISPLAY 
> :0.0
> charles@jhegaala:~$ su -
> Password: 
> Today is Setting Orange, the 3rd of The Aftermath, 3187. P'tang! 
> root@jhegaala:~# exit
> logout
> charles@jhegaala:~$ su --whitelist-environment=DISPLAY -
> Password: 
> Today is Setting Orange, the 3rd of The Aftermath, 3187. This statement is 
> false. 
> root@jhegaala:~# echo $DISPLAY 
> :0.0
> root@jhegaala:~# xclock &
> [1] 311078
> root@jhegaala:~# No protocol specified
> Error: Can't open display: :0.0
> [1]+  Exit 1                  xclock
> root@jhegaala:~# emacs &
> [1] 311095
> root@jhegaala:~# No protocol specified
> Display :0.0 unavailable, simulating -nw
> fg
> emacs
> root@jhegaala:~#

I think you need su --whitelist-environment=DISPLAY,XAUTHORITY -


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