"One-user" is probably the correct grammar.


    From: David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk>
    Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2022 11:08:28 -0600
> And it's been designed with that in mind. Debian hasn't.

I wondered whether others had worked out a recipe for single-user.  In 
fact, yes, there's DebianDog.  References 7 and 8 here.

> I can't understand this. If you carry out your intention, then
> /home becomes just another top-level directory like /media.
> You don't need to put /root into it just to make a point. You
> can use it for just your data files, and not your dotfiles —
> particularly if /home is on a separate partition.

I don't understand either.  We're "at crossed purposes"?

root@joule:/root# df | grep sd
/dev/sda2        7159288  6635136    140768  98% /
/dev/sda4      131124764 12951820 111512132  11% /home
/dev/sdb1        3658244  2026200   1446196  59% /home/root/MY

Note that / is 98% full whereas /home is 11% full. The intention in 
moving the root home directory from / to /home is just to have space 
for my data. 

Yes, 98% needs attention.

Rather than link /root to /home/root probably better to edit 
/etc/passwd to have root homed at /home/root. Can try that.

> You may hit snags. Some programs might refuse to run, or do
> strange things because they're written to distinguish between
> root and an ordinary user.

Used it since yesterday with no significant problem.

> But hey, it could be quite exciting, like carrying a cocked
> revolver tucked into your waistband. One casual typo, one
> misplaced space, and you can blow away a whole disk.

I view this as an experiment.  If I destroy the system, I reinstall.  
The debian installer is moderately easy to use.  =8~)

Also I have the spare machine ready to go as described in the smartd 

Did you use DOS decades ago?  Have you clobbered a DOS system?

If interested, try DebianDog or Puppy or my simpistic approach.

> Not really — except perhaps on Puppy where it's been seen as
> controversial, and hence discussed.

Discussion here.  https://wikka.puppylinux.com/spot
Note priviledge and and security aspects.

> ISTR earlier posts where you've run up against permission problems, ...

Not my motivation.  This computer isn't a mainframe system with 
multiple users. I'm just exploring simplifications.

Thanks for the feedback,                        ... P.

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