On Wed, 16 Feb 2022, Lee wrote:

On 2/12/22, Tim Woodall <debianu...@woodall.me.uk> wrote:
On Wed, 9 Feb 2022, Lee wrote:

Any idea what the chances are of getting an enhancement request for
the dhcp client to add an
 ignore option;
that says not use the option given by the dhcp server?

isc-dhcp-client? zero.


The client and relay portions of ISC DHCP are no longer maintained.

 NOTE: The client and relay components are now End-Of-Life.
 4.4.3 is the final release for those components.

How does one figure out what the replacement dhcp client software is
going to be?

I'll probably try dhcpcd5. I have vague memories of using it before,
don't recall why I changed (probably dhcpcd in those days)

It's on my todo list, along with ntp, to move to something else...

I've seen references to chrony and ntpsec as replacements.

ntpsec is supposed to be an almost drop in replacement.

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