On 2/17/22, Tim Woodall <debianu...@woodall.me.uk> wrote:
>>> It's on my todo list, along with ntp, to move to something else...
>> I've seen references to chrony and ntpsec as replacements.
> ntpsec is supposed to be an almost drop in replacement.

If I'm interpreting the popcon pages right,
ntpsec     228 users
chrony    4686 users
ntp      47485 users
I'd much rather let someone else debug ntpsec.  ntp has been around
for ages, so while it might be hard to change I'm guessing most of the
bugs have been fixed by now.

If you haven't seen it, the "The future of src:ntp" thread on
debian-devel is worth a read.
tl-dr:  https://www.coreinfrastructure.org/blogs/securing-network-time/

If I wanted to replace whatever timekeeping software that comes with
systemd and _didn't_ want ntp, I'd pick chrony.


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