Sorry I wasn't clear in the previous email. I have hibernation
working from the terminal, but not from XFCE. It is a warning that XFCE
isn't telling the whole story about hibernation. (It may also be a
caution for the Debian Installer folks.)

Thank you for the research.

On Sat, 26 Feb 2022 12:33:05 +0500
"Alexander V. Makartsev" <> wrote:

> > On installation, I selected the default disk layout and got a swap
> > space of a measly 976M. I speculated that this was not enough (the
> > machine has 3.7Gi of physical RAM), so I added an 8 Gi swap file.  
> Creating a swap file won't do. It has to be a swap partition, big
> enough to store memory footprint of a working OS and everything that
> is currently running on it.

The swap area does have to be big enough to accept the memory
footprint. However, my swap area + swap file is working just fine for

> Additionally check "initramfs" config file: 
> "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume"
> It needs to have UUID of a swap partition that will be used for
> hibernation. Example config:
>      $ cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume
>      RESUME=UUID=d0331ef1-bc12-473f-bd4a-b4edf0d4d0a8

I seem to be working without a UUID.

root@ideapc:~# cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume

>      $ sudo blkid | grep swap
>      /dev/sdb2: LABEL="swap"
> UUID="d0331ef1-bc12-473f-bd4a-b4edf0d4d0a8" TYPE="swap"
> PARTUUID="88839920-fc62-4f3a-aa7c-e97cd1ed4d5d"

root@ideapc:~# blkid | grep swap
/dev/mapper/debian--vg-swap_1: UUID="1fe1b820-f6e7-4b03-a3d6-f76f31a3452a" 
root@ideapc:~# grep swap /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/debian--vg-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       0
/swapfile1 none swap sw 0 0

> But your case is different, because your swap partition is encrypted. 
> I've found an article which looks detailed enough, so give it a shot:

That article has no date on it. The work was done with Ubuntu 12.04, now
almost ten years old. I suspect that a lot of work has gone into making
things easier for the user. Since I already have hibernation working
(from the terminal but not the GUI), I didn't read the article closely.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

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