On Sat, 26 Feb 2022 08:06:49 -0500
Cindy Sue Causey <butterflyby...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mine's XFCE4 on Bookworm. It has hibernate, but I don't immediately
> see any references to hybrid sleep.

Sorry, I should have specified. My problems are under Bullseye.

> For mine, hibernate is under:
> Applications (desktop menu) > Settings > Power Manager > General (tab)

That's the controls for hibernate, suspend, etc.

To invoke them from XFCE, Applications (desktop menu) -> Log Out. You
should see in the second row Suspend, Hibernate, Hybrid Sleep, and
Switch User. The middle two are missing on my IdeaPad. All four are
present on other computers here, including the Lenovo T520 I am using
right now.

> Power Manager offers Suspend, Hibernate, and Shutdown combinations
> that (should allegedly) take effect when Users push the power, sleep,
> hibernate, and battery buttons.

I haven't tried those. I don't use them.

> Am feeling safe in assuming that "xfce4-power-manager" is the package
> that provides those. That's brought in automatically when I manually
> install "xfce4" and "xfce4-goodies" during each debootstrap
> installation.

Thanks. That sounds reasonable. I'll keep that in mind if I file a bug

> Regarding "xfce4-session-logout --hibernate", I haven't tried it
> because I've got a large session running right now. BUT it's offered
> as an option when viewing "man xfce4-session-logout".
> Ooh, and you know, there's "xfce4-session-logout --hybrid-sleep" as an
> option, too.
> The fact that it's not working for you makes me wonder: Do you have a
> screensaver installed? It wasn't too long ago that I mentioned here
> that I've encountered ongoing conflicts between screensavers and power
> managers.

Interesting, I will go look at that email thread. I have light-locker
installed, which provides the screen saver. However, light-locker works
with XFCE on several other machines I have.

> The poverty level decision was to skip screensavers to help put a dent
> in the electric bill. I miss screensavers because they're
> entertaining. I also appreciate each individual's creativity that goes
> into dreaming them up. Thank you, Developers! :)

I use screen savers not so much to save electricity (although on
laptops that is a consideration) as for security. So I have a script
that calls xflock4 available in my ~/Desktop directory. I can hit that
if I have to put my laptop down in a semi-secure location.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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