On Fri, Mar 04, 2022 at 10:59:45AM -0500, Marc Auslander wrote:
> Google has now said they are pulling the plug on userid/password
> authentication for apps.
> I use fetchmail and exim4 to get and send mail.  Neither, AFAIK, supports
> OAUTH2.  I'm also still on stretch but will update if I have to.
> So what suggestions does anyone have for dealing with OAUTH2 access to
> gmail?
I've never used fetchmail and don't know whether it supports oauth2 or not, but 
getmail5 supports it.  You will probably find it easiest to  update to buster 
which contains getmail5.  If I'm not mistaken stretch has getmail4 and it 
doesn't include the script named "getmail-gmail-xoauth-tokens" that you need to 
run in order to use oauth2.  I can't say whether the script would work with 
getmail4 or not.

Beware, however of getmail6 which automatically installs itself if you update 
to bullseye.  It is not real getmail. It is a confusingly titled fork of 
getmail which was done to to make it work with python3.  It is not supported by 
the original author of getmail who gives great support for getmail5.  

There is a mailing list for support of getmail.  The website for getmail is: 
https://pyropus.ca./software/getmail/.  It contains very complete documentation 
and a link to the support mailing list.

Don MacDougall

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