On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 4:40 AM Christian Britz <cbr...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> On 2022-03-08 23:01 UTC+0100, Kevin Exton wrote:
> > I tried Wayland some years ago now (might have been when they first
> > trialled it in Ubuntu) but decided not to stick with it.
> >
> > Since more desktop environments are beginning to choose Wayland as the
> > default display protocol, I was wondering if others think there's
> > significant user benefits to making the change?
> I had it running for a while recently with KDE Plasma, because I wanted
> to try out waydroid, which only supports Wayland. My impression was,
> that it has improved a lot and is in a somewhat usable state, but I
> quickly changed back to X.

Here's something about the X ecosystem that I don't understand anymore.
I've read the statement
that "X isn't developed anymore, only XFree86". In other words, X source
was re-based to Xfree86
a long time ago. So it must be that in the XFree86-based X Windows, only
the X server is under active
development, nothing more than that. Is that accurate?

> I felt that programs designed for X and programs designed for Wayland
> don't interact well (copy/paste and so on) and Plasma support for
> Wayland is not as mature as for X.


> My biggest concern is that we will see over the next years a big
> division of the GUI application eco system. Some programs will stay
> optimised for X, some will even require Wayland, like the mentioned
> waydroid. Hopefully a full transparency can somehow be achieved.

And isn't that what happened once already? When XFree86 re-based X Windows?

> Regards,
> Christian
> --
> http://www.cb-fraggle.de

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