Am 10. Mar, 2022 schwätzte Christian Britz so:

moin moin Christian,

I have been playing with jekyll, a static site generator. I have a few
friends using it.

The main reason I've gone with jekyll is that the AsciiDoc module is in
the package repo. Many static site generators seem to have MarkDown
support built in.

Using AsciiDoc I can put the entire thing into git on my workstations and
laptops and push out updates when something changes.

The site is then static html file, so any web server can front it.



Dear community,

I am looking for recommendations for setting up a blog with nginx web
server. What I have so far: nginx-light with static pages.

What would I need to be able to host a blog? I search something as
simple and secure as possible, there will be very low traffic. It should
be available directly from the Debian stable repository. From what I
understand, nginx supports php like apache, so the solutions are
inter-changeable (if I would choose something php-based)?

Thank you,

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