On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 03:41:09PM -0500, The Wanderer wrote:


> The most important one for my purposes, and therefore the one that I
> remember, is the ability to have multiple desktop-like things which are
> actually all just viewports on one much-larger single area [...]

There seems to be some basis to it. And some solution. But then, you're
perhaps bound to a specific toolkit [1] [2] or perhaps compositor.

> Another limitation of XWayland as I've heard it described (by the same
> person on whose statements the previous paragraph is based, as well as
> in online discussions related to XWeston, below), as compared to a full
> X server: where you can (and, in fact, usually need to) run a window
> manager on top of an X server [...]

This is absolutely my main beef: I do chose my window manager
judiciously; after long use I know it well and perceive it as my
ally in front of applications which sometimes have (to me) strange
ideas of GUI [0].

With X, the window manager is the one implementing window decorations
(this isn't in the protocol, but it is a strong convention applications
had to follow in practice).

With Wayland, you can see the appetite of applications and toolkits
to unleash their "creativity" on the unsuspecting user.

I don't look forward to the day where the browser gives some random
javascript advertisment control over its absolute position on my
screen or over its window decorations. But this day is coming: don't
forget that our main browser provider is an ad company, and this
industry (as the closely related DRM industry, too) tends to view
your computer as /their/ "content" delivery device.

You can get a feel of that taste now with all those "GUIs" badly
implemented by the never-ending horde of javascript frameworks.
Jamie Zawinski's CADT [2] was hell, we now discovered an even
worse place.

I'll stick to X. My computer feels a bit more... mine this way.


[0] Heck, I've even a key shortcut for xkill, afer some incarnation
    of... yes, Firefox, decided to ignore the window close button.
    They've fixed it in the meantime, it seems, but I do keep that
    shortcut around.

    and the links therein.

[2] https://www.jwz.org/doc/cadt.html


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