On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 03:09:08PM -0600, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:


> > Isn't it all about X by design to not be able to safely protect a
> > running X applications to snoop on other running X applications,
> > something like the content of a window cannot safely kept private? I
> > remember to have read that Wayland was invented for this reason, to
> > overcome these security flaws of X which in the beginning of X have not
> > been a concern to anyone, but nowadays security issues are of much
> > importance to almost everyone.
> > (I have no reference for this statement, just remember to have something
> > like this read in the past)
> >
> That was exactly what I asked here a few days ago. And I was told that I
> was incorrect, that Wayland was simply a better implementation of X. That
> the old implementation X.org was still under active development. Showing
> that I was mistaken.

They only removed the stuff me and you don't need. Promised ;-)


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