* On 2022 11 Mar 14:06 -0600, Emanuel Berg wrote:
> Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > Interesting as no one uses Wayland or X11 directly but
> > through a window manager or quite likely one of the desktop
> > environments.
> I don't know, I think it is fair to say I use X "directly",
> I start it manually (but automatically, the command is in
> a file) in a tty and then in ~/xinitrc launch a compositor and
> WM, then xterm with tmux:
> picom &
> openbsd-cwm &
> xterm           \
>     -T 'xterm'  \
>     -fullscreen \
>     -e 'tmux new-session\; split-window -v\; select-pane -U'

I suspect you're not the target audience for Wayland as it seems to me
to be oriented toward the main desktop projects.  I don't see that your
use case would gain anything moving to Gnome or KDE.

That's the great thing about Free systems, we don't all have to do
things the same way.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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