On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 3:24 AM David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com>

> On 4/13/22 20:03, Default User wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 4:42 PM David Christensen wrote:
> >> As you find system administration commands that work, put them into
> >> scripts:
> >>
> >> #!/bin/sh
> >> sudo rsync -aAXHxvv --delete --info=progress2,stats2,name2
> >> /media/default/MSD1/ /media/default/MSD2/
> >>
> >>
> >> Use a version control system for system administration.  Create a
> >> project for every machine.  Check in system configuration files,
> >> scripts, partition table backups, encryption header backups, RAID header
> >> backups, etc..  Maintain a plain text log file with notes of what you
> >> did (e.g. console sessions), when, and why.
> >>
> >>
> >> Put your OS on a small, fast device (e.g. SSD) and put your data on an
> >> array of large devices (e.g. ZFS pool with one or more HDD mirrors).
> >> Backup both as before.  Additionally, take images of your OS device.
> > Yikes!
> >
> > David, I really think I am too old to learn all of that.  But maybe I can
> > learn at least some of it, over time.  Please understand that I am not
> > training to be a real system administrator, except that I guess anyone is
> > (or should be able to be) actually the "system administrator" of their
> own
> > computer(s).
> >
> > Anyway, thanks for the advice.
> I learned the above tools because they save time, save effort, and
> provide features I want.
> I use dd(1) and an external HDD for images.  You will want to write
> scripts (like the simple example I previously showed).
> CVS has more than enough power for a single user/ system administrator,
> and is simpler than Git.  Here are the common use-cases:
> 1.  Install CVS (and SSH) on Debian:
>      # apt-get install cvs openssh-client openssh-server
> 2.  Create a CVS repository:
>      # mkdir -p /var/local/cvs/dpchrist
>      # cvs -d /var/local/cvs/dpchrist init
>      # chown -R dpchrist:dpchrist /var/local/cvs/dpchrist
> 3.  Add CVS client environment variables to your shell (adjust host and
> username as required):
>      export
> CVSROOT=dpchr...@cvs.tracy.holgerdanske.com:/var/local/cvs/dpchrist
>      export CVS_RSH=ssh
> 4.  Create a project:
>      $ mkdir -p import/myproject
>      $ cd import/myproject
>      $ touch .exists
>      $ cvs import myproject dpchrist start
> 5.  Check-out a working directory of a project from the repository:
>      $ cd
>      $ cvs co myproject
> 6.  Add a file to the project working directory meta-data:
>      $ cd myproject
>      $ vi myfile
>      $ cvs add myfile
> 7.  See changes in the working directory compared to the repository:
>      $ cvs diff
> 8.  Bring in changes made elsewhere and checked-in to the repository:
>      $ cvs update
> 9.  Check-in working directory to the repository:
>      $ cvs ci
> 10. Remove a file from the project:
>      $ rm myfile
>      $ cvs rm myfile
> See the GNU CVS manual for more information:
> https://www.gnu.org/software/trans-coord/manual/cvs/html_node/index.html
> ZFS is a new way of doing storage with disks, arrays, volumes,
> filesystems, etc., including backup/ restore (snapshots and
> replication).  The learning curve is non-trivial.  The Lucas book gave
> me enough confidence to go for it:
>      https://mwl.io/nonfiction/os#fmzfs
> David

Hey David, thanks for the information.

BTW,  I think I have narrowed the previous restore problem down to what I
believe is a "buggy" early UEFI implementation on my computer (circa 2014).
Irrelevant now; I have re-installed with BIOS (not UEFI) booting and MBR
(not GPT) partitioning. And have successfully tested restoring using both
Timeshift and Conezilla.

And regarding learning by experience - oh, how I know. I've done so much of
that, I have a degree from the "school of hard knocks"!

Finally, fun fact:
Many years ago, at a local Linux user group meeting, Sun Microsystems put
on a demonstration of their ZFS filesystem. To prove how robust it was,
they pulled the power cord out of the wall socket on a running desktop
computer. Then they plugged the cord back in and re-booted, with no
problems! Yes, I was impressed.

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