On 11/4/22 10:58, Default User wrote:

So . . .   what IS the correct way to make "backups of backups"?

Sorry to take so long to respond. I am traveling and have only short periods that I can spend on non-pressing matters.

To answer your question: the method that gets you the result you want.

I have used 2 switches in rsync to create a date/time copy of files that are updated:

--backup-dir=/mnt/data/rsynccBackupp/$YEAR/$MON/$TODAY/$HOUR/ source/ target

creates an archive directory of older versions of files. I have noticed at times that it creates copies of files that I haven't fouched. Needs looking at, but it will something I'm doing.

The variables are set in the script:

YEAR=`date +%Y`
MON=`date +%b`
TODAY=`date +%d`
NOW=`date +%Y%b%d%H`
HOUR=`date +%H`

rsync -avbH  --suffix="."$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M")    source/ target/

replaces the standard ~ at the end of the file being updated with current time, in a numerical string. Keeps all versions of the files together. Which suits you better.

As for how to 'backup your backup?' I copy everything from source documents to my backup drives, and set cron to run the script for each drive at a different time of day/hour - yes I backup current docs hourly. I'm lucky - I don't notice rsync affecting my performance.

Timeshift is a great tool. I know you are correct to copy the system to a different drive. I figure that if I get to a point where I can't access the time shift files on /timeshift I'm in deep trouble. I just re-install. / has only system files on it. /home/keith is sym-linked from another partition.

In any case, copying /timeshift from your system OR your first backup drive should be trivial for rsync.

Out of time, but I think that's enough to think about for now

All the best

Keith Bainbridge


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