On 4/27/22 05:24, Will Mengarini wrote:
* Tom Browder <tom.brow...@gmail.com> [22-04/27=We 05:50 -0500]:
I really appreciate all the advice, but I am
not going to build from scratch again [...].

Just in case anybody's discouraged that the OP won't build from
scratch, I just want to say /I/ found this thread valuable too.

Where do you all buy parts?  Alternatives to Newegg?

For new items, mostly Amazon just because we are paying for Prime. I prefer B&H when they have what I need. And, Newegg and other companies have a presence on eBay.

For used items, mostly eBay. But, I did get my Dell PowerEdge T30 from a local seller via Craig's List.


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