Dear Team DdB,

I write Team assuming that your team runs this company,
and you are the boss. A boss doesn't reply to any and every email. So

I had the page translated. It said, "The biggest problem with the old
website was the open display of email addresses, making it easy for
SPAM senders and other malefactors to use it. I'm currently checking
different alternatives."

Yes, open email-IDs could potentially invite spams. But then, Google
blocks most spammers and I use plain text emails and receive emails
with blocked scripts. I don't work for an intel agency or a cutting
edge software company. So there isn't an incentive for the agency that
set up Google to spy on my emails. To be specific to your comment,
spammers are discouraged if their emails aren't responded to.

Earlier, Debian Lists used to jumble up email-IDs, but left the
practice way back.

Assuming that OO is an abbreviation of Object Oriented, your email
whets appetite but doesn't quench it. I would have definitely been
helped by answers to my specific queries.

Hope that I shall not be disheartened.

Best wishes,

    Subject: Re: How should learning to program in c++ be approached,
if learning objectives are sought to be customised?
    From: DdB <>
    Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 12:07:17 +0200
    Message-id: <[🔎]>
    In-reply-to: <[🔎]>
    References: <[🔎]>

[   ...   snip   ...   ]

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