On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 1:18 PM Susmita/Rajib <bkpsusmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> A wonderfully informative email indeed. It entices me to more specific
> questions.
> I would like to partially quote you to maintain a context for my reply.
> You said, "... C++ would be much easier to learn once you understand C ..."
> I learnt c, but didn't like it, as I didn't find a list of specific
> modules (or reusable example code-snippets) to achieve an objective.
> The header files are very, very complex and they can't be understood.
> The header files use machine language and push those obscure portions
> into tiny little black boxes, under the carpet, away from our sight. I
> used cscope to read the header files and understand them, but in vain.
> To me, c appears as a hodge podge of low level and high level
> programming languages. Not a complete programming language in itself.
> c language appears to encourage a complex ecosystem of numerous
> programmers coming from diverse fields, all working as individual
> parts of a very complex machinery.
> But c ecosystem appears to discourage a complete programmer who has a
> complete idea of the entire machinery and its individual components. A
> slight imbalance in super-specialisation could bring down an entire
> system.
> I was really excited by the scope provided by Java. It appeared so
> easy to me that I could easily build a functional program, to aid
> memorising alphabets abcd... in the reverse, "which alphabet came
> before which alphabet" using a random function, in a graphical
> environment.
> I had read that Java could be used to build an entire Operating System
> up by itself. In essence, therefore, device drivers as well.
> Unfortunately, that project of building an OS in Java was dropped long
> back. Java isn't used for building device drivers for the industry, so
> far as I have gathered.
> Regarding my note, "...  had a programming language been developed
> that could address both the lowest microprocessor(machine)-level to
> the most advanced user level programming, reading, comprehension and
> application  ...", you said, "... Python should be your choice! ..."
> Is it supposed to mean that theoretically, an entire OS could be built
> up from scratch using Python? Including device drivers?
> You said, "... there is even MicroPython for microcontrollers ...". So
> according to your comment, python should be able to build a device
> driver as well as an OS. And there already exist such implementations.
> I was trying to find out if c++ could be used to build device drivers.
> You said, "... Linux drivers are written in C, but technically you can
> mix languages: use C++ and link it against C ...". But I would request
> more specificity here:    (a)  if c++ could be used without using any
> other programming language to build a device driver. (b)  If it is
> practised industrially.
> I often wonder aloud why c wasn't re-built to have the modularity and
> OOP structure of Java. It would definitely have helped. Yes, I know
> that the demand wasn't there, when programmers thought that 1024KB
> would address all problems of the world.
> But a language could be re-built to incorporate every programming
> need. Then aided by a huge library of code snippets, functions,
> objects, etc., like Oracle Java repository. But to reach the lowest
> level possible.

The problem with JAVA is Oracle. If you build something good that goes into
main stream use you risk Oracle suing you like they are with Google

I began learning python, but I am not sure if python could be used in
> place of Assembly (or machine) Language, addressing programming needs
> from the lowest to the highest level. Perhaps your notes answer my
> doubts. Would like to know more.
> For example, like Deepmind's Alpha Code AI, writing codes as per
> requirements, research is getting there.
> So I would like to develop an understanding of programming from the
> lowest level to the highest level. The way programming is approached
> in textbooks doesn't suit me. I can't have the flexibility to use
> programming like a cobweb or a network, jumping from lowest level to
> the highest level according to my need.
> I read that micropython is written in c. So it is just like
> circumlocuting to the same point from where it began.
> So confusing!
> Hope that some confusions shall be set aside in your subsequent posts.
> You also said, "... debian-gcc maintainers maintain the gcc package
> for Debian, they are not responsible for teaching people C or C++ ..."
> I didn't expect them to teach, but only to share their insights and
> information. In contrast, the debian-python group readily shared
> information with me on python.
> Best wishes,
> Rajib
>     To: debian-user <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
>     Subject: Re: How should learning to program in c++ be approached,
> if learning objectives are sought to be customised?
>     From: IL Ka <kazakevichi...@gmail.com>
>     Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 16:34:33 +0300
>     Message-id: <[🔎]
> CAHv=rm2ykzdjozjsqpc7gvjmdry1o6-xranxvcdgw_cqt--...@mail.gmail.com>
>     In-reply-to: <[🔎]
> caeg4czwmot23cvnbg_rrag0gbwciot-up2v117tzg+knf2c...@mail.gmail.com>
>     References: <[🔎]
> caeg4czwmot23cvnbg_rrag0gbwciot-up2v117tzg+knf2c...@mail.gmail.com>
> Hello,
>  [   ...   snip   ...   ]

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