
Albretch Mueller wrote:
> # apt-get install which
> E: Unable to locate package which


  apt-get install debianutils

I got the proposal from
  $ apt-file search which | grep 'which$' | less
which still finds 18 lines which end by "which".
Number two looks like the program you look for:
  debianutils: /usr/bin/which

Indeed my system says:
  $ which which

You may also use bash builtin command

  $ type -p cat

> Actually, I just noticed I couldn't run "cat" as regular user but I
> could as root how could that form a "multiversing" be -technically-
> happening (other than having forces actively messing with your work)?

Maybe some user-defined alias ?

  alias cat

Mine says "bash: alias: cat: not found". But with "cp" instead of "cat"
it says "alias cp='cp -i'".

Have a nice day :)


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